Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Reading assignments for the next two weeks...

[FYI -- I changed the syllabus even a little bit more. I took off the Moallem and added the Scarry and Sontag. Let me know if you have any questions]

Week 9— Culture, Freedom, and Gender
5/22, Tuesday
--Uma Narayan,”Cross-Cultural Connections, Border Crossings, and “Death by Culture” in Dislocating Cultures (1997), pp. 83-96. ON ELECTRONIC COURSE RESERVE
--Saba Mahmood, “Feminism, democracy, and empire : Islam and the war of terror ” ON ELECTRONIC COURSE RESERVE
--Susan Sontag, “War and Photography” ON ELECTRONIC COURSE RESERVE
--Elaine Scarry, Chapter 1, “The Structure of Torture: The Conversion of Real Pain into the Fiction of Power,” in The Body in Pain: The Making and Unmaking of the World, 1985, 27-59 ON ELECTRONIC COURSE RESERVE
--Minoo Moallem “Transnationalism, Feminism and Fundamentalism”, in Women, gender, religion: a reader, Elizabeth Anne Castelli, Rosamond C. Rodman

Week 10—Power and Politics
5/29, Tuesday
– rough draft due
--peer reviews
--student paper meetings in class

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